25,000 Aspirants For Airport Jobs Paying ₹ 22,000: A Mumbai Stampede Scare

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A recruitment drive for airport loaders led to a stampede-like situation at Mumbai airport yesterday. More than 25,000 applicants turned up for a shot at the 2,216 vacancies, and the staff of Air India Airport Services Limited struggled to manage the massive crowd. Air India Airport Services Limited provides ground handling services at major airports in India.

Visuals showed the applicants jostling with each other to reach the form counters. Reports said the applicants had to wait for hours without food and water, and many of them started feeling unwell.


Airport loaders are tasked with loading and unloading luggage on aircraft and operating baggage belts and ramp tractors. Each aircraft needs at least five loaders to handle luggage, cargo and food supplies.

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