Kathmandu Metropolis Has Started The Work Of Expanding The Footpath On New Road

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As soon as the Patan High Court cleared the way for the expansion of the footpath, the Kathmandu Metropolitan City started demolishing New Road.


The work started by the Metropolitan Corporation for the improvement of the footpath was stopped due to the intervention of the Divisional Road Office. The work started again after the interim order was passed by the joint bench of Patan High Court judges Dhruvraj Nand and Prakash Kharel on Sunday. From this morning, the metropolis has started the work of expanding the footpath on New Road. Now they have started demolishing the right and left sides of the road using dozers.


Three days ago, the joint bench of Patan High Court Judge Dhruvraj Nand and Prakash Kharel gave an interim order not to implement the letter written by the Division Road Office to the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to stop the expansion of footpaths on New Road.

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