Summer Skin Care Tips to Look Gorgeous

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The heat is blazing all over us and if you are the one who is not in the mood to step out in this scorching heat and go to your favorite salon to get pampered, we have got you the best affordable solutions. This summer gets glowing and happy skin in the comfort of your home with these cheap, easy, and natural DIY skin tips. It’s time to remember all those old beauty tricks your grandmother or mother used to do all over their face and body.

Scrub it off with Coffee Body Scrub

As the summers are just levelling up day by day, the harmful sun rays are surely dehydrating our body and blocking our skin pores, and taking away all the glow from our face. And if you are a working woman and are thinking of getting your body and face tanning, exfoliation can be a great way to keep your face looking glowing and your body healthy. A homemade DIY body scrub can be the best way to remove all your tanning and impurities boosting your face super soon. To make a simple DIY body polish pack or scrub make sure you have these products in a hand-One tbsp of coffee, one tbsp of wheat flour, One teaspoon of honey, and 2 tbsp of milk and your favorite essential oil and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Once you are satisfied with your body scrub, spoon it up in a container and you are ready to apply it all over your body and face. Try using this body scrub twice a week consistently to have glowing skin.

Remove Blackheads and Whiteheads

Are you are done with these ugly blackheads and whiteheads that often appear on your face in summers due to a lot of sweat and a lot of exposure to air or sun. You can have your hands on the best home remedy and easy-to-go DIY removal and get off these white and blackheads quickly. You just need to have an egg white, remove the yolk part and mix it with the honey, stir it well and apply a thin later of the mixture all over your nose and chin, once it’s dry up wash it up and see you are off these pokey heads.

DIY To remove Facial Hairs
Want to get rid of unwanted and excess facial hairs that make you feel embarrassed it’s time to say a final goodbye to them this summer with this effective nature DIY made at home. To prepare, take a teaspoon of besan, wheat flour,2 drops of coconut oil, rose water, and a pinch of Haldi to make a fluid paste. Apply all this to areas where you have access to facial hair and leave it for 20 minutes and remove it after massaging it in an upward direction. This is a must-try DIY you should try this summer at least 4 times a week to get quick results.

Face Mist

Mist these days is quite a trend as they help to keep your face hydrated all-time cool these summers. Interested to make your face mist all you have to do is put the green tea bag in boiled water, remove it and off & let it cool down, add 4 drops of tea tree essential oil, and put it in a bottle & shake it to make sure it mixes properly. These mists help you to combat summers and let your skin be cool, calm & hydrated instantly. People having acne-prone and oily skin should apply this on an everyday basis.


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