Health and Population Minister Pradeep Paudel has asked journalists for suggestions about the problems in the health sector and their solutions.
Minister Poudel said that there are many problems and challenges in the health sector in the meeting with journalists held at Singh Darbar on Tuesday morning and asked for suggestions on system reform, use of new technology, short-term and long-term planning.
During the meeting with the minister, the journalists asked questions about the overall health condition of Nepal. In which topics ranging from programs to prevent the migration of health personnel to health insurance have been raised.
There was also a discussion about identifying the problems seen in the health institutions and how the services can be resumed in a people-friendly manner.
The behavior of hospital doctors treating patients, the compulsion to queue at government hospitals, the end of the system of government hospitals referring patients and sending them to private ones, the irregularities in the purchase and sale of medicines, the quality of medicines, the suffering of the people due to the very low activity shown by the ministry during various diseases and epidemics, in the health sector. Journalists raised questions before Minister Paudel about politics and the budget of the health sector.
In the same way, questions have been raised about the lack of transparency seen in the purchase of poor health materials and the purchase of materials. Similarly, with interest in how the Ministry of Health will move forward in the coming days, policy plans for the overall health sector were also discussed.
Responding to the questions of the journalists, Minister Paudel said that in the coming days, he will proceed with solving the problems encountered in the health sector. He assured that the problems seen in the government hospitals would be solved and the services would be provided to reach the poor people. Minister Paudel also expressed his commitment to move forward in coordination with all government agencies in these matters.