Metmani Chaudhary, Deputy General Secretary of CPN United Socialist Party, has clarified that a few days ago, his comments regarding the Chuchche map on a television were made by cutting only a few seconds of the video and saying that it was spread through social media.
While issuing a statement on Friday, Chaudhary has also alleged that the issue he spoke about is being forced to be controversial.
“After the reference to the Chuchche map was raised in the program, I mentioned that in the name of the Mahakali Treaty, India has claimed Limpiyadhura, Lipulek and Kalapani in the west and north of the artificial mouth of the Mahakali River and the Mahakali River because both countries have mentioned the principle of half and half in water, investment, production and consumption. It is said that India is doing it’, Choudhary explained.
He also said that India claimed due to the wrong Mahakali treaty and that treaty itself should be corrected.
In the five-point explanation, Chaudhary also stated that he is serious and sensitive about the country’s geographical integrity, independence, sovereignty and party life and is committed to the country’s geographical integrity, independence and sovereignty.