1. Avocados
Avocados are filled with ingredients that can result in amazing skin. Despite having good taste, avocados consist of healthy fats, minerals and vitamins which are good for your skin. To be precise, it contains Vitamins E and C, both of which have a huge rule in the health and vitality of your skin. These components found in avocados may help one speed skin repair and improve various skin conditions.

2. Walnuts
Walnuts are rich with antioxidants and vitamins B, helping you have a wonderful skin. It has abundance of vitamin E in it which intensely hydrates the skin and boosts collagen production to keep the skin more youthful. It also has abilities to protect the skin from problems like sun damage, dirt, pollution, etc.

3. Tomatoes
Eating tomatoes can help you in reducing and clearing your acne. They are full of antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin A which are antioxidants that fight inflammation causing acne. Further, they may also help in reducing the amount of cell-damaging radicals in the body, helping you get a healthy and youthful skin.

4. Watermelon
Filled with Vitamin C, watermelon helps in producing collagen which the body needs, and thus, helps in cell structuring and immune functioning. Vitamin C is known to help promote healthy skin and reducing the risk of age-related damage. Therefore, watermelon is the perfect fruit for you if you want glowing skin, since it tastes equally good.

5. Green Tea
The number of benefits which green tea has on our skin are innumerable. For the start, green tea has vitamin B2 and vitamin E, both of which are essential for skin health. While the former helps in maintaining collagen levels, the latter supports new skin cell growth and also helps in hydrating the imbalanced skin.

Green Tea
6. Berries
In addition to tasting so great, berries are equally good for attaining a healthy skin. Rich with antioxidants, fiber and nutrients, berries help supporting the skin’s ability to fight inflammation related to acne, eczema, and premature aging.

7. Dark Chocolates
Who doesn’t love eating chocolates? But would you believe if we say that they are good for your skin? Well, it is true. Quality dark chocolates are rich with antioxidants. Having one piece of dark chocolate consistently can help in lessening skin redness when exposed to sun, which protects the skin from sunburn, tanning, and a lot of other sun problems. The antioxidants can also be a shield against free radicals and protect skin from problems like dark spots, pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles.

Dark Chocolates
8. Pomegranates
Pomegranate is one fruit which has the highest amount of antioxidants in it. Also, it contains minerals, fiber, vitamin A, C, and E, and folic acid. Few of its various benefits includes, arresting ageing, hydrating skin, treating acne and breakout, and protecting the skin from sun damage.

9. Flax seeds
Rich with fatty acids, flax seeds are known to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized, thus, helping in skin tightening and preventing sagging of the skin. In addition to this, antioxidants present in it are great for having a healthy skin.

Flax seeds